lundi 23 janvier 2017


Methodology & methods, two terms are often treated as synonyms. Methodology is
broader and envelops methods. It is understanding the social-organizational context,
philosophical assumptions, ethical principals and political issues of the enterprise of
researchers who use methods. 

Methods are set of specific techniques for selecting cases, measuring and observing aspects of social life, gathering and refining data, analyzing data and reporting on results
Defining Research 
A collection of methods and   methodologies that researchers apply   systematically to produce scientifically   based knowledge about the social   world.  (Neuman)

Research is focused on relevant, useful, and important questions. Without a question, research has no focus, drive, or purpose.Accordingly,  research is an ORGANIZED and SYSTEMATIC way of FINDING ANSWERS to QUESTIONS.

2 on: "Methodology"
  1. in writing a research paper is it obligatory to use the footnotes and endnotes?
    Can you please tell us abt the diffrence between endnotes and footnotes from methodological point of view?
    thank you

  2. The biggest difference between footnotes and endnotes is where the notes are placed. Footnotes appear at the bottom of the page for any notes that apply to each specific page. Endnotes appear collectively at the end of a paper, starting on a separate page and labeled as “Endnotes.”
